Tuesday, January 4, 2011

God sent an angel named James

This morning I had to go to the vet to pay for their services,along with other errands. I got stuck in the snow pulling out of the drive, and in the street as I tried to turn. As I rocked the car, backed it up and ran it forward, I asked God how I was supposed to get out of this, a truck drove by and I asked God why it didn't stop. Couldn't it see I was in need? A few moments later, as the smell of burning rubber filled the air, the same truck came around the corner and stopped. A man named James got out and asked if I wanted a push. I thanked him, but warned him I might run him over. He smiled and suggested I try backing up again into the drive way. He guided me over the ice in the drive to solid ground. And informed me that he had a shovel to dig out the ice if this didn't work. With a silent prayer I went forward again, caught the ice, but slid over it and was on the road.

As tears pricked my eyes I thanked him, and prayed a silent blessing for him. He said I was welcome and walked over to his truck, pulled out his shovel and said he would take care of the ice in the drive for me too.

As both the girls thanked him, I prayed another thank you prayer.

May God bless him profusely.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It seems I find myself wondering, and reflecting on my life, each year around Christmas. My eyes always feel with tears of joy, sorry, and laughter. I hug my children a little tighter, I cherish their little corks, and become less "uptight" about the rules around my house. Every year, the story of Jesus gets me. It isn't just the story though, it is the whole thing. His whole Journey. Then I remember my friends whose children have gone before them, and my heart swells with tears in a different way.

It amazes me how we can love so deeply, so raw, so completely, in so many different circumstance. How the human heart can love so much, and so completely fill us.

I am grateful this holiday season, for so many many things, but most of all, for the joy, and laughter, and pain of the years. I am a better person because of it. My life is richer.

May I always remember this.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Good things + Small bad = chaos??

How can it be that one bad thing can overshadow the good things of the day?

Lord help not dwell on the tantrum in the back of the car on the way home from great family time and focus on the great things that happened today. Wipe my mind clear and help me handle the grumpy things with more grace. Amen